Operations Center Debian packages

This is the Debian package repository of Operations Center to automate installation and upgrade. To use this repository, first add the key to your system:

wget -q -O - https://downloads.cloudbees.com/jenkins-operations-center/fixed/2.73/debian/cloudbees.com.key | sudo apt-key add -
Then add the following entry in your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb https://downloads.cloudbees.com/jenkins-operations-center/fixed/2.73/debian binary/

You will need to explicitly install a Java runtime environment, because Operations Center does not work with Java 9, this is the safest way to ensure your system ends properly configured. Adding an explicit dependency requirement on Java could force installation of undesired versions of the JVM. Check JENKINS-40689 for more details about Operations Center and Java 9 compatibility.

Update your local package index, then finally install Operations Center:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins-oc

Individual Package Downloads

If you need *.rpm for a specific version, use these.
Name Last modified Size
jenkins-oc_2. 2018/10/10 219.0 MB
jenkins-oc_2. 2018/08/15 219.2 MB
jenkins-oc_2. 2018/07/18 219.6 MB
jenkins-oc_2. 2018/07/18 218.9 MB
jenkins-oc_2. 2018/05/09 201.2 MB
jenkins-oc_2. 2018/04/11 208.8 MB
jenkins-oc_2. 2018/02/14 208.7 MB